Wicked Lights A67IR Infrared Illuminator and Red Night Hunting Light Kit


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Wicked Lights A67IR Infrared Illuminator and Red Night Hunting Light Kit

The new Wicked Lights A67IR Infrared Illuminator and Red Night Hunting Light Kit  is a revolutionary new high power gun light system for lamping foxes or controling vermin, featuring a centre axis rotational 3 in 1 colour LED system to deliver a stunning bright red, and 850nmIR or 940nm Covert IR for night vision, with a super high power beam throw that is unrivalled in a switchable colour hunting lamp, with no diodes or pills to change.

The new limited edition A67iR is the ultimate in long range infrared illuminators for those who require extreme viewing ranges with digital and image intensifier night vision.

Designed in the US using precision machined T6 Aircraft grade aluminium, the Wicked Hunting Lights A67iR Predator delivers a beam which will provide identification of your quarry well in excess of any targetable distance, with a crystal clear beam for the ultimate in target aquisition with an identification range in excess of 375yards.

Switch between Visible Red, 850nm IR and 940 covert invisible IR and adjust power and beam throw in a second, delivering unrivalled performance….but dont take our word for it…..260RIPS Mark Ripley said when testing the A67iR 

“Wicked Lights are the brightest coloured rifle mountable lights I have ever used. If these were around 10 years ago I doubt if I would have ever bought night vision!”

Users can change the beam width from a wide flood for scanning hand held, or a tight beam for taking long range shots on wary quarry, with a simple twist of the bezel. A Halo shield also reduces light splash.

The intensity control system, (remote control also supplied) allows you to instantly dim or brighten your light to max power, using the intensity control rheostat knob, spook less animals!

3 Colour In 1 Selection Knob

Change mode on the fly with no poi shift, and unlike any other multi beam gun lught on the market…there is ZERO power loss, with the LED units delivering the maximum possible power.

Quick Detatchable, Fully Adjustable Gun light mounting

A quick detach gun light mount allows you to attach your Wicked Light A67iR to your Photon, Digisight Ultra or Image Intensifier, and zero perfectly to deliver a precise brilliant light beam, directly where you need it in your optics.

Why three colours?

Many lights allow you to change the colours of the diode, by swapping out the pill…this is fine but it does not allow you to deliver the maximum power available in this technology.

Some lights have built in switchable colour diodes, again not able to deliver the maximum power, and each diode it not zeroed to your point of impact.

Wicked Lights A67iR delivers 100% power, 100% of the time (when on full) and each colour is precisely zeroed with no change in POI.

What are people saying about Wicked Lights A67iR 

“Wicked Lights are the brightest coloured rifle mountable lights I have ever used. If these were around 10 years ago I doubt if I would have ever bought night vision!”  Mark Ripley – 260RIPS

“To say my first impressions are favourable would be an understatement! This is a high-quality, extremely powerful, gun light that with the ability to switch to three different colours and adjustable power switch covers everything the lamper would need” Mike Powell – Sporting Rifle 


Additional information

Weight 1620 g

Handheld and Vehicle Lamps




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