Infra Red Filter Sheet Cut to Size 250mm x 250mm


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Infra Red Filter Sheet Cut to Size 250mm x 250mm

Infra Red Filter Sheet for Lamps

IR light is only produced by certain sources

It is invisible to the naked eye but works alongside night vision technology to improve the range and clarify of your scope or night vision device

Great for night vision equipment or photography

Heat resistant Perspex ideal for all applications

Size 250mm by 250mm by 3mm

Can easily be cut down using a hacksaw or jigsaw to smaller sizes for a variety of other applications

Please see the spectral diagram above for filter specification

Please note that hid lamps and halogen lamps led does not produce IR light.


To see our wide range of Filters & Lamp Accessories please CLICK HERE:


Additional information

Weight 125 g

Lamping Accessories


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